
SyncCore’s Price & Comparision

The comparisons are calculated using official cloud pricing calculator of each cloud product and used various other websites for references.

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With our Intel SSD storage we are the fastest cloud providers than any other.

Compare Cloud Pricing
MS Azure
CPU $1 CPU /mo $6.7 CPU /mo $6.1 CPU /mo $23 CPU /mo
Memory $1.5 GB Memory /mo $6.7 GB /mo $6.1 GB /mo $2.17 GB /mo
SSD Storage 900MB/s 2x Replication $0.06 GB /mo $0.12 GB /mo + IOPS Charges $0.11 GB /mo + Transaction Charges $0.17 GB /mo
SSD Storage 3x Replication $0.08 GB /mo N.A N.A N.A
IOPS / Transactions No IOPS Restrictions No IOPS Cost $0.71 IOPS /mo $0.82 GiB /hour $0.82 GiB /hour
Backup Desktop $5 Backup Agent /mo $0.05 GB snapshot /mo $0.13 GB snapshot /mo $0.26 GB snapshot /mo
Backup Server $10 Backup Agent /mo $0.05 GB / Month $0.13 GB Snapshot /mo $0.26 GB Snapshot /mo
Backup Storage 2x HDD Replication $0.01 GB /mo 2x Replication $0.49 GB /mo $0.29 GB /mo +$0.05 per 10,000 transactions $0.40 GB /mo
Bandwidth Incoming
Bandwidth Outgoing $0.013 GB /mo $0.88 GB /mo $0.08 GB /mo $0.11 GB /mo
Dedicated Firewall & vLan $13 Firewall /mo Hourly cost for vpc, ipsec & Virtual Firewall $912 Firewall /mo N.A
Workload Migration Free appx $200 /Instance appx $200 /Instance appx $200 /Instance
24/7 Support Free 10% overall usage $1000 /mo Starting @ $400 /mo